日本財団 図書館


* Staff Training
In the present development plan with very rapid charge framework and planning must be continual exercise for their personal as a vocational trai ding. Transport for the young educated employees whose with the technical knowledge v~as needed. In Cambodia just reborn after two decades of war, there is depletion of many of skilled staffs. The lack of training and competent staffs is recognized to be a major problem of the Royal Cambodian Railway particularly in the intermediate levels.
The human resource in the prerequisite of all development. It required for the railway good manager, to make decision and manage to challenge the difficulty and it conduct to the real good direction.
* Future Planning and Development Strategic
The present, Royal Cambodian Railways planning program schedule to restore the traffic as soon as possible so that transport goods, passengers, and especially container transport by train from Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh must be considered an important point for transport traffic nowadays. Otherwise line should be rehabilitate for the needed transport demand by the customer for the transport of commodities cross though border like cement, construction material, food stuff, paddy, and rice etc.
We would like to say that the rehabilitation process and the future project would not be possible without the generous assistance from the international communities and donator countries.
Rehabilitation of the "Southern line" to up grade track to a maximum line speed of 80 Km/h from 35 Kin/h at present. This will require through repairs to formation and / or drainage and urgent bridge repairs. The total requirement is USD 8.5 million for track and USD 0.5 million for bridge. Some emergency repairs have been done and is being carry out with ADB assistance.
Government of Cambodia is seeking assistance from donator countries and others aid agencies.
Rehabilitation of "Northern line" to repair the fonnation track and the almost of the bridges on northern line, to increase the operating speeds from 30 Km/h to 70 Km/h . This will require an estimated cost of USD 32.4 million for the track and 3.15 million for bridges.
The Restoration of Rail Link to Thailand: to reinstate the formation, track and bridges from Sisophon to Thai border at Poipet will require complete reconstruction over full length of 48 Km. Estimated cost of the project is USD 14.6 million for portion in Cambodia. The work in this area could be started due to non availability of funds.
Rehabilitation of Rolling Stock: the rehabilitation of locomotives, wagons and coaches have an immediate requirement of USD 4.1 million of which Fr. F. 10 million have been provided by French Government for rehabilitation of locomotives and USD 0.6 million and USD 0.28 million by ADB to meet with the shortage of rolling stock by purchase of locomotives, container, flat wagons, ballast wagons and low sides wagons, passenger coaches for movement of passengers, RCR has projected for additional rolling stock fleet.
- 5 locomotives of 1200 HP
- 2 locotractor for shunting
- 169 goods ~vagons of all types
- 50 coaches
In addition at least 11 locomotives will be meet with traffic demands with the rehabilitation of the line above mentioned and procurement being complete it shall be possible to run 2 pairs of passengers trains and 3 pairs of goods train each day against 1 pair of mixed trains running at present.
Railway Operating Cost:





